Game changing Data Tool for Optimizon

It’s been an exciting time for the Optimizon Team!  We are Amazon data geeks and love all things data related, especially when it drives our clients’ sales. 

A frustration we’ve often heard from clients is that their data doesn’t align with Amazon’s reports in real-time.  So, we set our Head of Automation a challenge!  Over the last few weeks, he was asked to find a way to incorporate historical data quickly from Amazon into current reports.  He has developed a tool that does exactly that!

Data that previously would have taken several months to update, as Amazon considered refunds and other fees, can now be done in hours. 

Let’s explain a bit more.

Amazon’s data is constantly in flux over the diverse types of reports they offer, including sales and transaction reports.  Amazon updates these reports retrospectively, which means inconsistencies for businesses that submitted sales reports at the end of the financial year and then look to compare the data a few months later.  Figures seen in Amazon at the year’s end can change at a later date when refunds and other chargebacks are reviewed.

This means new grey hair for confused Chief Financial Officers.

The API we’ve created is now in use with our clients, saving time and money by quickly running reports that show accurate data, going back years if needed.

How does it work?

Our data team used to navigate Amazon’s front-end interface, with all its restrictions on data retrieval. The process required tedious, manual operations, and there were limitations on the scope of access and the data timelines available.

Optimizon’s new Application Programming Interface (API), makes these limitations redundant.  We can pull vast quantities of data, by a repeated data pull for a specified date range.

There is still a minimal waiting time as the tool eliminates repetitive manual efforts and mimics the action of downloading reports one by one. By leveraging the API’s capabilities, businesses can overcome the code’s limitations and expedite the data retrieval process.

This ability to access and interpret Amazon’s data in real-time is a game-changer for Optimizon’s clients as they maintain their competitive edge.

If you are faced with confusing and laborious Amazon reports that don’t match up, then get in touch to find out how our data team give clarity on your Amazon data.

The overwhelming feedback we’ve received is that our approach gives peace of mind for clients who know they are now making business decisions based on solid, accurate data.

Grab a copy of these complementary Amazon reports.

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Optimizon HQ

We are more than just another consulting agency for Amazon, eBay and other marketplaces. We are experienced and highly successful at Amazon Optimisation. Consultants here understand the Amazon Marketplace and know those special secrets to rank products on the 1st Page of Amazon search results.

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