How to Make Black Friday 2024 a Success on ECommerce Marketplaces 

Ah, Black Friday. That magical time of year when shoppers swarm the internet like a horde of deal-hungry zombies, and e-commerce marketplaces become a battleground for the best bargains. If you’re an online seller, this is your Super Bowl, your Olympics, your time to shine! But how can you ensure that your store isn’t just another face in the crowd? Fear not, fellow e-commerce enthusiast! Here’s your ultimate guide to conquering Black Friday 2024 on Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and beyond. 

10 Tips for Optimising for Black Friday 2024

1. Get Your Listings in Tip-Top Shape 

Before the madness begins, make sure your product listings are polished and professional. This means: 

  • High-Quality Product Photos: Clear, high-resolution images from multiple angles. 
  • Lifestyle & Call Out Imagery: Showcase the product in use and in people’s homes, use call outs in the visuals to highlight its features and USPs 
  • Detailed Descriptions: Include all relevant product details and benefits. 
  • Keywords: Optimise your listings with relevant keywords to improve search visibility. 

Remember, shoppers can’t touch or try your products, so your listings need to do all the convincing! 

2. Optimise for Mobile 

With more shoppers browsing and buying on their phones, your listings need to be mobile-friendly. Ensure your images load quickly, and your descriptions are easily readable on smaller screens. A smooth mobile experience can make the difference between a sale and a missed opportunity. 

Are you main images mobile ready? Ensure you have mobile ready hero images (MRHI) in place for all your products to ensure shoppers know exactly what your product is from the search results. Find out more about MRHI here. 

3. Leverage Marketplace Advertising 

Boost your visibility with paid advertising. Each marketplace offers its own advertising options: 

  • Amazon: Use Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display ads to get your products in front of more eyes. 
  • eBay: Promote your listings to appear higher in search results. 
  • Walmart: Use Sponsored Products to reach more customers. 
  • Citrus Ads: Allowing you to advertise on B&Q Marketplace, Argos and more. 

Invest wisely, and you could see a significant return on your ad spend. 

4. Offer Irresistible Deals 

Black Friday shoppers expect amazing deals. Create promotions that are too good to pass up: 

  • Discounts: Offer substantial discounts on popular items. 
  • Bundles: Create product bundles that provide more value. 
  • Limited-Time Offers: Use urgency to drive quick purchases. 

Highlight these deals prominently in your listings and adverts to attract deal-hunters. 

5. Prepare for Increased Traffic on Your D2C Site 

Black Friday will bring a surge in traffic to your store. Ensure your e-commerce platform can handle the load: 

  • Check Server Capacity: Make sure your hosting can manage the increased traffic. 
  • Optimise Site Speed: A slow-loading site can frustrate shoppers and drive them away. 
  • Monitor Performance: Keep an eye on your site’s performance throughout the day and be ready to act if issues arise. 

6. Utilise Social Proof 

Shoppers trust other shoppers. Use reviews and ratings to build credibility: 

  • Encourage Reviews: After purchases, ask customers to leave reviews. On Amazon this can be automated using solutions such as Merchant Springs. 
  • Enroll in Amazon Vine: Get your product out there to loyal reviewers. Yes, you may be giving away some products for free, but the return you’ll received will make it worth it. 

Social proof can significantly influence buying decisions, especially on busy shopping days. 

7. Stock Up and Be Ready to Ship 

Nothing is worse than running out of stock on Black Friday. Make sure you have plenty of inventory: 

  • Forecast Demand: Use past sales data to estimate how much stock you’ll need. 
  • Plan for Restocks: Have a plan in place for quickly restocking popular items. 

Also, if you are not using Amazon’s FBA option, be prepared to ship orders promptly. Fast shipping can be a deciding factor for many shoppers. 

9. Engage with Shoppers 

Engage with your audience before, during, and after Black Friday: 

  • Social Media: Use social media to promote your deals and engage with customers. 
  • Email Marketing: Send out newsletters highlighting your best deals. 
  • Customer Support: Be available to answer questions and resolve issues quickly. 

Good communication can build customer loyalty and encourage repeat business. 

10. Analyse and Learn 

After the frenzy dies down, take time to analyse your performance: 

  • Sales Data: Look at what sold well and what didn’t. 
  • Customer Feedback: Gather feedback to understand what your customers liked and what could be improved. 
  • Marketing Performance: Assess the effectiveness of your advertising and promotions. 
  • Customer Lifetime Value: Using tech such as Nozzle for Amazon, you can review the cohort for months to come to see if you have gained any new loyal customers that will keep making you money for years to come. 

Use these insights to refine your strategy for next year. 

Marketplace-Specific Tips 


  • Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA): Consider using FBA for faster shipping and better customer service. 
  • A+ Content: Enhance your listings with rich content to improve conversion rates. 
  • Amazon Prime: If possible, make your products eligible for Prime to attract more shoppers. 
  • Promotion Deadline: The deadline for most Amazon sellers and vendors to submit Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals is Monday, 30 September 2024. DO NOT MISS THIS! 


  • Best Offer: Enable the Best Offer option to attract more buyers. 
  • Global Shipping Programme: Expand your reach by participating in eBay’s Global Shipping Programme. 
  • Promotions Manager: Create special promotions to boost visibility and sales. 


  • Walmart Fulfilment Services (WFS): Use WFS to offer fast and reliable shipping. 
  • Enhanced Content: Use Walmart’s rich media options to make your listings stand out. 
  • Walmart Marketplace Advertising: Invest in Sponsored Products and other advertising options to increase visibility. 

Are you ready? 

Black Friday is your chance to shine on e-commerce marketplaces. By preparing your listings, optimising for mobile, leveraging advertising, offering irresistible deals, and focusing on customer experience, you can make Black Friday 2024 your best sales day yet. So, roll up your sleeves, get to work, and watch those sales roll in. Feel like you need a helping hand? Get in touch today and we’ll help you put together a strategy for the biggest sales season of the year. 

Grab a copy of these complementary Amazon reports.

Insights for Sellers 2024

Optimise your marketplace accounts with pro tips and insights for Sellers in 2024:

Amazon Banned Keywords List, 2024

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Optimizon HQ

We are more than just another consulting agency for Amazon, eBay and other marketplaces. We are experienced and highly successful at Amazon Optimisation. Consultants here understand the Amazon Marketplace and know those special secrets to rank products on the 1st Page of Amazon search results.

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